In most office environments the technology is available, good PC's, huge monitors and USB drives by the hand full.
For example most office PC's have MS Office already installed and use Excel regularly in everyday tasks.
An example of what can be done:
Data collected from a central location
Divided by location and/or type
Recalled from various locations
and Emailed
Many organizations use Excel extensively in every day business tasks, but don’t realize how easily you can automate Excel! Our most recent project in Excel took data from a corporate payment system and reconciled the data against the corporate accounting package to ensure the payments leaving the organization matched the invoices in the accounting system. This system has saved thousands of dollars in only a few weeks, and continues to pay for itself daily!
From over 10 years experience in office automation and Microsoft products we have in-depth knowledge of how to increase your business efficiency.
The Office Experts represents a combined effort of many Microsoft Office consultants. Our goal is to provide Microsoft Office users with the information and tools needed to automate their regular tasks as much as possible.
Whether you're an entrepreneur who's not ready, willing, or able to hire additional staff, or an administrative assistant in a huge corporation, our hope is to make your job faster and easier . . . to make YOU look GOOD!!
The fact that you're here makes a definite statement: You're not ready to settle for the status quo. There are many who live by the rule "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." We believe if you're spending a half-hour doing something that could take five minutes, its BROKE!
Understanding your business processes to identify time and resource efficiencies by utilising the infrastructure you have available,
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